ALC001 Alcohol Calculation Questionnaire Download
Our 'drink-drive' experts regularly provide alcohol technical defence reports including BAC (blood alcohol concentration) calculations - sometimes called 'back calculation' - and assessments of the viability of spiked drink and hip flask defences. Offences we report on deal with drunk in charge or post driving alcohol consumptions. Our blood-alcohol experts can consider blood or urine test results or stated drug and alcohol intakes and provide advice on the possible effects on state of mind and physical capability at the time of the alleged offences.
We can facilitate independent analysis of blood or urine samples for the presence and levels of alcohol and drugs. Our experts can also help you understand legal limits and the effects of exposure to drugs, medications, solvents and chemicals. If you require any blood or urine to be tested, please get in touch with us before sending your sample, and we would be happy to advise you on how best to do this.
Alcohol, medications and illicit drugs are widely used and can affect judgement, inhibitions and memory. Often crimes occur where the complainant, defendant or witnesses have consumed drugs or alcohol. We have extensive experience of dealing with impairment and absolute offences under Sections 4 and 5, respectively, of the Road Traffic Act 1988 including all types of 'drink drive' and 'drug drive' allegations.