Mike Appleby joined Keith Borer Consultants in January 2011, having built up 30 years of experience as a forensic biologist with the Forensic Science Service, at their Aldermaston, London and Chepstow laboratories.
During his time at the Aldermaston laboratory, he was involved in the introduction of many of the early DNA profiling techniques, including Multi-Locus Profiling (MLP), Single-Locus Profiling (SLP), Short Tandem Repeat (STR) analysis and Low Copy Number (LCN). Mr Appleby also acted as a mentor to other scientists during the introduction of current multiplex-based DNA profiling systems.
Mr Appleby has extensive expertise in the investigation of the biological aspects of serious crimes such as rape, assault and murder. This includes the interpretation of body fluid staining (semen, saliva and blood), together with the interpretation of blood patterns (Blood pattern Analysis or BPA) at scenes. He has prepared many hundreds of reports and statements and given evidence on numerous occasions throughout England, Wales and Northern Ireland, as well as, on several occasions, overseas.
Mike Appleby has a Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Biological Sciences, and can be contacted at our Huntingdon office.
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