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Mark (Zack) Newton

Mark (Zack) Newton specialises in drugs-related casework, his main focus being on the valuation of drugs, including Proceeds of Crime Act (POCA) valuations, and text message interpretation including Encrochat.

Prior to joining Keith Borer Consultants in 2024, Mr Newton spent over 31 years with Wiltshire Police, as both a police officer and member of police staff, qualifying as a Drugs Expert Witness in 2009. He led on hundreds of drug trafficking investigations from low-level street dealing and undercover drug test purchase operations, to commercial cannabis factories and multi-kilo organised crime networks.

Mr Newton completed the Foundation, County Lines and Organised Crime drug expert courses, prepared over 700 drug expert reports covering a wide range of drug-related matters, and peer reviewed hundreds more.
He is a founding member of the Independent Drug Expert Alliance (IDEA), a network formed to share knowledge around the role of the drug expert.

Mr Newton regularly attends Crown court to present oral evidence and can be contacted through the Durham office on 0191 332 4999.


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