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Grace Plahé
MBiol, BSc(Hons)

Grace Plahé has been employed by Keith Borer Consultants since June 2024 as an Imagery analyst and Tachograph specialist. Her duties include the comparison of people and objects, analysis of events or actions, post-capture editing and enhancements, and tachograph route tracing.

She has successfully completed in-house training and competency assessments underpinning the principles of imagery interpretation and analysis and the use of video software in a forensically safe manner. 

She has also undergone training in relation to the calibration and analysis of digital tachograph recording systems (Digital Tachograph Analysis, Drivers’ Hours & Road Transport (Working Time) Regulations) and additional in-house training and competency assessments in digital tachograph technologies and tachograph route tracing.

She undertakes report review and critical findings checks for peers in each of these areas.

Grace holds Master’s degree in Microbiology and a First Class Honours degree in Microbiology from the University of Leeds.

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