February 02 2023
If you are thinking of instructing an imagery expert, but aren’t sure how best to go about it, here’s a quick guide to the services we offer and the materials we need to be able to assist.
What do you want us to do?
Our imagery team offers a number of services that may be of use to you, including image improvement, identification of people/objects and analysis of events. When you have a case that would benefit from one of these services, it’s worth giving us a call ahead of sending papers so we can understand your requirements, inform you of what can or can’t be done and provide you with alternative or additional lines of enquiry you may not have considered.
Quality of imagery
What we can observe and report on is entirely dependent upon the quality of the imagery provided to us - which includes both the quality of the original footage and any copy made available by the police. Image quality is often reduced when it is copied into a different format and, for this reason, you should always seek a bit-by-bit copy of the original format imagery. Requesting this early in the process, and ideally ahead of formally instructing us, can massively reduce report preparation delays.
Estimate of costs
We endeavour to have an estimate to you within 24 hours of receiving your enquiry, subject to being provided with the necessary information. Generally speaking, to provide an estimate we will need to know:
When we provide our estimates, we draw on our extensive experience of similar cases and aim to provide you with a realistic assessment of how much time it will take to provide the service you need and when you can expect a report. We are always happy to discuss our estimates and to revise them if the scope of work changes.
Get in touch
If you have an imagery enquiry, please contact Nigel Cook on 0191 332 4999.