May 30 2019
The risk of having an expert who is not qualified was highlighted in the collapse of a recent carbon credit fraud trial after Judge Loraine-Smith cited the expert as having little or no understanding of expert duties, lack of training and education, and his work not peer-reviewed.
At Keith Borer Consultants, the duty of an expert to the Court has been a core principle that has been with our firm from the start, and all our experts are aware of their legal obligations and the Criminal Procedure Rules. One critical step in this process is “peer-review” whereby we have a second consultant review any report with a critical eye before it is finalised. This is something that was done at our firm long before it became recommended practice by the Forensic Science Regulator and is not something that is done lightly or glossed-over. Our peer-reviewers will seek to test the strength of our own expert’s report just as if an opposing expert was reading it.
Our Quality Management System ensures that all our consultants have the right training and background to demonstrate to the Court that they are an expert. You can have confidence that you are getting the right expertise when you need it here at Keith Borer Consultants.